Section SetUp
It is highly recommended that you clone the IntroCS branch ‘Sections’ to your cs50 codespace. This is a walk-through to successfully do so.
How to clone within the cs50 codespace
Did you start CS50x in 2021 or prior? Be sure to follow these instructions if you haven’t already!
- Log into using your GitHub account
- To ensure your codespace is up-to-date run
- When prompted, click Rebuild now
- Navigate into the ‘workspaces’ directory using
cd ..
- Make sure that the terminal window prompts you like this
/workspaces/ $
. - Execute the following statement to clone the branch ‘Sections’ from the IntroCS GitHub
git clone --branch Sections
- To see all available directories execute
You should now be able see the ID of your personal workspace and the IntroCS directory, looking something like this:
123452123/ IntroCS/
- Now direct to the IntroCS folder and execute ls again
cd IntroCS
If the process was successful the terminal should be showing this: LICENSE/ Section1/ Section2/ Section3/ Section4/ Section5/ Section6/ Section7/ Section8/ Section8_9/
If not, retrace your steps and see if you can determine where you went wrong!
You are now able to navigate using through the directory using 'cd' (direct to a directory that is within the current one) or 'cd ..' (direct to the previous directory).