Selection Sort
You are welcome to collaborate with one or two classmates on this lab, though it is expected that every student in any such group contribute equally to the lab.
Getting Started
Started CS50x in 2021 or prior and need to migrate your work from CS50 IDE to the new VS Code codespace? Be sure to check out our instructions on how to migrate your files!
Open VS Code in the environment.
Start by clicking inside your terminal window, then execute cd by itself. You should find that its “prompt” resembles the below.
First, create a folder named ‘lab-3’ with the following command, if none exists yet
mkdir lab-3
and direct to this folder.
cd lab-3
Then click inside of that terminal window and then execute
followed by Enter in order to download the README file in your codespace. Take care not to overlook the space between wget and the following URL, or any other character for that matter!
Now execute
followed by Enter in order to download the exercise code file. Take care not to overlook the space between wget and the following URL, or any other character for that matter!
If all was successful, you should see a and another file for you to code the exercise.
If you run into any trouble, follow these same steps again and see if you can determine where you went wrong!