
Be sure to read this specification in its entirety before starting so you know what to do and how to do it!

This weeks problem set is a group work task. You are going to group teams individually with up to 3 people. Every group member should contribute to solve the problem set and write some of the submission code, since it is relevant for the exam anyhow.

Collaboration between groups is not allowed, except to the extent that you can ask classmates and others for help, as long as that help does not amount to having someone else do your work for you, as per the course’s academic honesty policy. The staff conducts random audits of submissions. Students found to be in violation of this policy will be removed from the grade improvement.

In our digital age, social networks play a significant role in connecting people worldwide. When you follow someone on a platform, your action isn’t merely a click. In the background, algorithms and data structures manage and organize this vast amount of information. One such foundational structure is the Binary Search Tree (BST).

BST is a hierarchical structure that maintains order, enabling efficient searching, insertion, and deletion operations. In this exercise, we will leverage the power of BSTs to manage and search through followers of a user on a the Mastodon social platform.

Your task is to construct this BST, ensuring that each follower is stored alphabetically, making search operations swift and efficient.

Getting Started

Log into the CS50 IDE and follow these steps:

  1. Execute cd to ensure that you’re in ~/ (i.e., your home directory).
  2. Execute mkdir Graphs_Trees to create a directory named Graphs_Trees.
  3. Navigate into your newly created directory with cd Graphs_Trees.
  4. Download the starter code: wget
  5. Extract the starter code: unzip
  6. Clean up by deleting the ZIP file: rm and confirm with yes or y.
  7. Execute ls. You should see this problem’s distribution: and

You only have to code in You can use to test and debug your binary search tree implementation.

Group work

To indentify the team you have formed for this weeks problem set, please fill out the .txt-file with the GitHub usernames of every member. Make sure to not forget this step, since you and your teammates will submit the exact same code. If you don’t submit your group members correctly, we are not able to give you a point for this problem set, since it would be plagiarism.

The size of the group should not exceed 3 people. However, if you want to solve the task with only 2 people or alone, you are welcome to do so. But please be aware that we still expect you to solve the task 80% functionally and 80% stylistically.

Collaboration between groups is not allowed, except to the extent that you can ask classmates and others for help, as long as that help does not amount to having someone else do your work for you, as per the course’s academic honesty policy.

If you want to work simultaneously on your file in the codespace, check out Live Share.


Your goal is to craft a Binary Search Tree (BST) that organizes followers alphabetically and provides swift search capabilities.

1. Binary Search Tree (BST) Creation

Design and implement a BST that stores followers of a user in an alphabetical manner. For this task:

  • Each node should have a maximum of two children: left and right.
  • If a follower’s name is alphabetically less than the current node, it should reside in the left subtree. If it’s greater, it should be on the right.

We provided you the file For task 1 complete the constructor as well as the method add().

  • BST Class: This class represents the Binary Search Tree.
    • root: A class-level attribute that keeps track of the starting point or the root of our BST. Initially, it’s set to None, indicating an empty tree.
    • Constructor (__init__): Every time you create a new instance of the BST class, this constructor will be called. It expects a username as its parameter, which represents the username to be stored in that particular BST node.
    • add() Method: This static method will allow us to add new usernames to our tree. If the tree is empty (i.e., root is None), the method will set the new username as the root. Otherwise, it will find the appropriate location in the tree to add the new username such that the BST property (left children are less than the parent and right children are greater than the parent) is maintained.

Hint: To find the appropriate location in the tree, we recommend using recursion. You can of course add helper methods to your class. However, it is also possible without recursion and additional methods.

2. Search (iterative & recursive)

  • Implement a search algorithm to determine if a username exists in the BST.
  • Provide both an iterative and a recursive implementation in its respective function.
  • The search should return the Node if the username is found, and False otherwise.
  • If no root exists also return False

Hint: When you see -> Union[] in a function signature, it’s used in conjunction with Python’s typing module to indicate that the function can return values of different types. The Union type is used to specify that the return value can be one of several types. For example, Union[‘BST’, bool] means the function can return either a binary search tree or the bool False.

3. Depth-First Search (DFS) Modifications

Using your DFS knowledge from the previous exercise:

  • Modify the DFS algorithm to traverse the BST.
  • Implement functions for three types of tree traversals:
    • Preorder: Visit the current node before its child nodes.
    • Inorder: Visit the left child, then the current node, and finally the right child.
    • Postorder: Visit the child nodes first, then the current node.

Remember, the traversal order is crucial for different applications. For instance, the inorder traversal in a BST will give you the followers in alphabetical order!


After implementing, you can validate your solution with:

check50 fau-is/IntroCS/Mastodon_GT/Mastodon_tree


To submit your solution:

submit50 fau-is/IntroCS/Mastodon_GT/Mastodon_tree

Good luck, and enjoy the process of bringing order to the vast world of followers!